Liebelei Pro Italic Font Family
4 Font | OTF | WOFF
“Liebelei” – dalliance, flirtation, hanky-panky; kind of diminutive of “Liebe” (German for love)
The typeface Liebelei has its roots back in 1932, when Vienna-based painter Rudolf Vogl created the poster for a movie called Liebelei after the popular play by Arthur Schnitzler. Only the title letters existed of that typeface. I loved the letters from first sight and proceeded by adventurously interpreting the missing characters.
Liebelei Pro Light

Liebelei Pro Light Italic

Liebelei Pro

Liebelei Pro Italic

Liebelei Pro Medium

Liebelei Pro Medium Italic

Liebelei Pro Bold

Liebelei Pro Bold Italic

Liebelei Pro Unic Light

Liebelei Pro Unic Italic Light

Liebelei Pro Unic

Liebelei Pro Unic Italic

Liebelei Pro Unic Medium

Liebelei Pro Unic Italic Medium

Liebelei Pro Unic Bold

Liebelei Pro Unic Italic Bold

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