Uniform is a multi-width geometric type family designed around the circle. The O of the Regular width is based on a circle, the O of the Condensed width is based on 1.5 circles stacked (with straight sides)
and the O of the Extra Condensed width is based on two circles stacked with straight sides as well, and all other characters are derived from this initial concept. This unique idea creates a remarkably fresh type family that bridges the gap between circular geometric typefaces and condensed straight-sided typefaces. Uniform also includes many opentype features like Old Style Figures, Tabular Lining Figures, Alternate characters, Ligatures and more. Moreā¦
Uniform Light


Uniform Medium

Uniform Bold

Uniform Black

Uniform Ultra

Uniform Condensed Light

Uniform Condensed

Uniform Condensed Medium

Uniform Condensed Bold

Uniform Condensed Black

Uniform Condensed Ultra

Uniform Extra Condensed Light

Uniform Extra Condensed

Uniform Extra Condensed Medium

Uniform Extra Condensed Bold

Uniform Extra Condensed Black

Uniform Extra Condensed Ultra

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