Intriguing, Mysterious, and Dark CS Another is a gothic display font that masterfully combines sharp, ornate letterforms with deep contrasts, creating a sense of mystery and drama. Its distinct, pointed edges and intricate details evoke an aura of intrigue, making it perfect for designs that need to communicate boldness, darkness, and allure.
An Enigmatic Gothic Style Designed to evoke an air of mystery and intrigue, CS Another captures the essence of gothic typography with its elaborate, decorative elements and strong contrasts. The sharp edges and ornate flourishes give this font a menacing yet elegant feel, making it ideal for designs that demand a bold, enigmatic presence. Whether used for horror-themed designs, fantasy projects, or gothic-inspired branding, this font makes a statement with its striking and dramatic appearance.
Perfect for Horror, Fantasy, and Dark Branding CS Another is perfect for horror-themed projects, fantasy book covers, or branding that seeks to convey a sense of the unknown and the supernatural. Its unique gothic style brings a dark, compelling energy to any design, capturing the essence of eerie stories, mysterious characters, or mystical realms. Whether you’re designing an eerie poster, a spine-chilling book cover, or a bold logo, this font will elevate the mood with its gothic charm.
What you get :
CS Another Regular
CS Another Italic
CS Another Reverse Italic
Features :
Uppercase and lowercase characters
Numerals and Punctuation (OpenType Standard)
Accents (Supports Multilingual Characters)
PUA Encoding
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